Book Review

Project Overview

This script updates a character count in real time as a user types into a textarea element. It also displays a warning if the character count exceeds a certain limit.

Full Working Example

Character Count: 0 / 100


HTML Structure  book-review

The HTML consists of a textarea element where the user types in their comment. The text area is labeled with a character count and a limit of 1000 characters. The actual character count is displayed in real time as the user types. When the character count is exceeded, a warning message is displayed.

JavaScript Code Explanation  book-review

TThe JavaScript code first sets the maximum length of the review to 100 characters. It references the HTML elements of the character count box and warning box. The script then adds an event listener for the keyup event on the comment box. When this event is triggered by the user typing, the updateCount function is called. The updateCount function counts the number of characters in the comment box and updates the character count box. If the character count exceeds the maximum review length, the script displays a warning message.